Psychological Dynamite Used Right

Here is an interesting question a mother had regarding parenting her child.

Read on… I’m sure you’ll enjoy this short, yet powerful insight.

A woman once approached a great parenting expert and asked him for advice. “My son is acting up at home and causing us much aggravation. My husband is generally a soft-spoken fellow who rarely raises his voice. Recently, though, he grabbed my son, yelling at him and threatening him to toe the line. When I asked him to stop, he explained that he had to instill fear in this child, in order to get him to listen. I feel like I am stuck in the middle and don’t know what to do. I am a mother. I feel badly for my child. On the other hand, we really need him to improve. What course of action should we take?”

The wise parenting expert listened carefully to the mother’s words and reassured her that everything would be all right. He then explained to her, “Fear is psychological dynamite. The wrong kind of fear could easily become an obsession. The way to develop proper fear is through a gently manner, through respect for one’s parents. Teach this child respect, and then he will fear his parents through love. If a person truly loves someone, then he is afraid to do them harm. That is healthy fear, for it stems from love.”

The woman smiled through her tears and headed back home, armed with the insight and wisdom to save her child and help her family.

One response

  1. Psychological dynamite. Wow. I think fear of repercussions ( losing play time, use of toys, etc) rather than fear of the parent. I agree with the expert. Great post. Hugs

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